Jan 31, 2025

Understanding FAA Aircraft Equipment Requirements: What Pilots Need to Know

Understanding FAA Aircraft Equipment Requirements: What Pilots Need to Know

Every pilot must ensure their aircraft is equipped with the right instruments and safety equipment to comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. Under FAR 91.205, aircraft must meet specific requirements based on whether they are operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) or Instrument Flight Rules (IFR).

In this guide, we’ll break down FAA equipment requirements, including what’s necessary for day and night VFR flights, IFR operations, and additional regulations pilots should keep in mind.

FAR 91.205: Required Equipment for Flight

VFR Day Equipment Requirements (“TOMATO FLAMES”)

For an aircraft to be legal for daytime VFR flight, it must be equipped with:

  • Tachometer (for each engine)

  • Oil pressure gauge (for each engine)

  • Manifold pressure gauge (for altitude engines)

  • Altimeter

  • Temperature gauge (for liquid-cooled engines)

  • Oil temperature gauge (for air-cooled engines)

  • Fuel gauge (for each fuel tank)

  • Landing gear position indicator (for retractable gear)

  • Airspeed indicator

  • Magnetic compass

  • Approved safety belt with a metal-to-metal latching device for each occupant 2 years of age or older

  • Approved shoulder harness for each front seat in small civil airplanes manufactured after July 18, 1978

The ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter) is not listed under § 91.205(b) for VFR day flight. The ELT requirement is covered under § 91.207.

VFR Night Equipment Requirements (“FLAPS”)

In addition to the day VFR equipment, pilots flying at night must have:

  • Spare fuses if the aircraft uses fuses

  • Landing light (if flying for hire)

  • Anti-collision lights

  • Position lights

  • Source of electrical power is not explicitly listed in § 91.205(c); the regulation requires position lights, anti-collision lights, and a landing light if operated for hire.

Without these additional items, an aircraft is not legal for night VFR flight.

IFR Equipment Requirements

Aircraft operating under IFR must be equipped with all VFR-required items plus additional instruments to ensure safe navigation in low-visibility conditions. These include:

  • Gyroscopic rate-of-turn indicator (§ 91.205(d))

  • Altimeter (sensitive, adjustable for barometric pressure) (§ 91.205(d))

  • Ball (slip-skid indicator) (§ 91.205(d))

  • Clock with seconds display (§ 91.205(d))

  • Attitude indicator (§ 91.205(d))

  • Communication and navigation equipment suitable for the route to be flown (§ 91.205(d))

  • Directional gyro or heading indicator (§ 91.205(d))

These additional instruments allow pilots to safely control their aircraft and navigate through clouds or poor weather conditions without visual references.

Inoperative Equipment (FAR 91.213)

If any required equipment is inoperative, pilots must follow specific FAA procedures:

  1. Check the Minimum Equipment List (MEL) – If the aircraft has an MEL, it will specify whether the flight can legally proceed without that equipment.

  2. Deactivate or Remove the Equipment – If the MEL allows, the faulty equipment must be deactivated and placarded “INOPERATIVE.”

  3. Obtain Maintenance or a Special Flight Permit – If the equipment is required, the aircraft must be repaired before flight or a special permit must be obtained to relocate the aircraft for maintenance.

Failure to comply with these procedures can result in serious FAA violations.

Transponder and ADS-B Out Requirements (FAR 91.225 & 91.413)

Transponder Inspections (FAR 91.413)

Aircraft equipped with an altitude-encoding transponder must have it inspected every 24 months to ensure accuracy and compliance with FAA regulations.

ADS-B Out Mandates (FAR 91.225)

As of January 1, 2020, the FAA requires ADS-B Out for aircraft operating in:

  • Class A, B, and C airspace

  • Above 10,000 feet MSL (except below 2,500 feet AGL)

  • Within the Mode C veil (within 30 nautical miles of Class B airports)

  • Over the Gulf of Mexico at or above 3,000 feet MSL

Pilots should verify that their aircraft meets these ADS-B Out requirements before flying in controlled airspace.


Understanding and complying with FAA equipment requirements is essential for safe and legal flight operations. Whether flying under VFR or IFR, pilots must ensure their aircraft meets FAR 91.205, 91.213, and 91.225 requirements to avoid penalties and ensure safety.

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